2009/12/15 Steve Bennett <stevag...@gmail.com>:
> On Tue, Dec 15, 2009 at 1:17 PM, John Smith <deltafoxtrot...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> These buildings are a particular type of location, they are unique in
>> a category of there own, even if they do share features with other
>> establishments that are currently tagged.
> Not that I'm disagreeing, but for an argument like that to be
> convincing, you have to explain what makes it unique. *Everything* is

I said/meant unique from things currently docuemented on the map
features page, using your logic pubs in Qld are different than pubs in
NSW because diff state governments license them.

> I'm satisfied that a "licensed_club":
> - is a venue where members, their guests, and some members of the public can 
> go
> - has a restaurant and bar
> - often has pokies
> - is affiliated with a non-profit organisation such as a sports club,
> the RSL etc.

Or particular ethnic background etc etc etc.

> For these reasons it is clearly not just a "pub", "bar" or "restaurant".

Or scout hall :)

> Because "licensed" implies alcohol. And "registered" implies very
> little. To the casual reader, anyway.

licensed would also apply to having pokies, but licensed also applies
to pubs for the same reason, as for registered more or less means the
same thing in this context, but people from different backgrounds will
be used to different terms as I've pointed out in other emails how
things you know as normal wouldn't be normal for me even though we're
both in Australia, it's just whatever you are used to and the language
used most commonly in your area of Australia.

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