Thank You Steve and John

I think I did it correctly please have a look at the "Warragul Linear Trail" pdf download from there. I have not completed surveying the whole trail but that will come. Along with the others in the region as I get the family on the bike and outside.


Steve Bennett wrote:

On Tue, Dec 29, 2009 at 10:42 PM, John Smith < <>> wrote:

    2009/12/29 Geoff < <>>:
    > Hi Steve
    > I am busy trying to get to understand how to connect the bits in
    a relation.
    > Not getting far but I want to read a bit more before I ask teh dumb
    > questions here.

    I can't tell you in potlatch, but it's dead simple in JOSM, you just
    select them and then bring up the relation panel (Alt+R) and click on
    the new relation button (button on the bottom left side of the panel),
    and you just fill in the bits, I don't know about cycle relations as I
    haven't tagged them but I'm guessing the type=route.

Just look at existing bike paths that use relations, like in Melbourne. This explains it, I think:

Use the "rcn" key. It's pretty straightforward in potlatch, there are so many buttons you can press before you hit the right one. You create the relation, then add each way to it. Again, look at existing bike paths to see what it looks like.


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