On Sun, Feb 21, 2010 at 6:27 AM, John Henderson <snow...@gmx.com> wrote:
> But you forgot to mark the main track as one-way :)

It's not really one-way. You can only complete the whole track in one
direction from about November to April or so, but there's no rule
about doing individual sections in reverse order.

> Have you got elevations you can add for the peaks?  Eg "ele=1234".
> Don't specify units - metres is understood.  And my Garmin assumes that
> any letter after the ele=* tag (even "m") means it's feet, and converts
> it from feet to metres before display (showing a wildly incorrect figure
> as a result).

Lol - is that what the "ele" tag is. Oops. That means I had even
uploaded waypoints with elevations for some summits.

Then again, I didn't calibrate the altimeter, so they wouldn't be much use.

I'm not sure what would count as reasonable sources for elevation
data. Presumably not reading off maps, but what about books, other
websites, signposts...?

> Have you considered adding the track marker for display on the hiking
> map?  Maybe:
> osmc:symbol=black::red_triangle

I dunno, I don't think the Overland really has a particular track
marker, does it? Sure, there are red (or orange?) triangles used at
certain points, but they're also used on the side trips. And there are
very long sections with no markers at all, because they're not needed.


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