On Sun, Feb 21, 2010 at 12:07 PM, John Henderson <snow...@gmx.com> wrote:
> That was tongue-in-cheek on my part.  I just love the government telling
> me which direction I should walk in.

Dunno if I'd call PWS "the government". Personally, I'm glad. I
wouldn't want to be passing 40 people a day with heavy packs on narrow
boardwalks...not sure if that was the justification or not though.
When everyone goes in one direction, it feels much less crowded, too.

> I sometimes use the altimeter in my Garmin 76CSx, but it's a
> automatically GPS-calibrated barometric altimeter, and quite accurate.

Yeah, I switched on "automatic calibration", but I'm not sure what it
does. Does it just take readings off the topo map (I'm using shonky
maps)? If so, isn't that cheating...

> Orange triangle is the present standard according to:
> http://www.parks.tas.gov.au/file.aspx?id=6789
> Red is the nearest colour available from
> http://topo.geofabrik.de/symbols_en.html
> As they say, the symbol (if used) should approximate the one walkers
> will see on the track, or be otherwise meaningful rather than just
> looking nice.

Ok, I'll investigate adding it.


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