On 26 May 2010 08:09, John Smith <deltafoxtrot...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On 26 May 2010 03:07, David Murn <da...@incanberra.com.au> wrote:
>> I received this follow-up email to a query about some strange tagging.
>> I thought it was worth throwing out there to get the lists opinion on
>> the appropriate way to tag this road.  In summary, it is 21km long and
>> is one-way for 10.5hrs, dual-way for 1.5hr, then one-way in the opposite
>> direction for 10.5hrs and dual-way again for 1.5hr.  Then just for fun,
>> on weekends, the day/night pattern is reversed.
> I've also seen roads that are one way in a particular direction based
> on when the school bus is running and in which direction it is running
> at that time of day.
> There doesn't seem to be much point looking at opening_hours=*
> tagging, since that generally only covers on or off.
> The whole section of road would need to have the direction of the way
> in the same direction so you could make simple references to
> forward/backward.
> After that it comes down to making stuff up and see how much flak you
> cop on the tagging list :D
> Since you didn't mention a starting time, I'm going to assume midnight.
> oneway:forward=00:00-10:30
> oneway:reversed=12:00-22:30

Sorry, forgot about weekends:

oneway:forward=Mon-Fri 00:00-10:30; Sat-Sun 12:00-22:30
oneway:reverse=Mon-Fri 12:00-22:30; Sat-Sun 00:00-10:30

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