On Tue, 2010-05-25 at 17:29 -0700, Simon Biber wrote:
> David wrote:
> > In summary, it is 21km long and is one-way for 10.5hrs, dual-way
> > for 1.5hr, then one-way in the opposite direction for 10.5hrs and
> > dual-way again for 1.5hr.  Then just for fun, on weekends, the
> > day/night pattern is reversed.
> David, as a local resident I can tell you the Southern Expressway is
> never dual-way. In between the one-way periods, it's closed for
> changeover (access=no), while operators review video cameras covering
> the whole length to ensure no vehicles remain on the road.

I dont live in the area, and only found the way due to its funny tagging
(ie. 'How on earth do i tag this'), hence why I threw the query out to
the mailing list for any advice on how to fix the situation.

> Also, it's not just weekends but also public holidays which use the
> reversed pattern.
> John wrote:
> > Sorry, forgot about weekends:
> > 
> > oneway:forward=Mon-Fri 00:00-10:30; Sat-Sun 12:00-22:30
> > oneway:reverse=Mon-Fri 12:00-22:30; Sat-Sun 00:00-10:30
> John, the start time is 2am, not midnight.

As mentioned in my original email.  I only summarized the email that I
also attached to the end of my original email, to give the concept
between a one-way that changes at different times.


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