On 8 June 2010 12:22, Liz <ed...@billiau.net> wrote:
> When putting long rivers on the map eg Darling, Bidgee, Lachlan
> I routinely put the unsurveyed river at layer=-1
> when i actually get there and find whether the road has a bridge, a punt or a
> ford to cross the road, then I do some changes to road and river.
> So frequently a body of water will have a layer tag other than zero.

It's useful to set most waterway=drain to be layer=-1 to stop false
positives from showing up on keepright when they run under roads and
such. To simplify maybe it should be assumed that all waterways are
layer=-1 and any tunnels default to layer=-2, that would solve the
issue from a preprocessing point of view wouldn't it?

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