I'm a bushwalker and I'm attempting to map the Blue Mountains, including 
roads, tracks, cliffs and watercourses. A key reason is that I'd like to 
be able to use OSM to auto-generate maps for my website, which I 
currently have to create by hand eg
My maps also don't have contours, which I would like.

Most bushwalkers use and are used to "normal" contour maps such as those 
produced by the NSW Dept of Lands. I'd suggest keeping a style sheet 
similar to them. I have maps for other states and they are similar, 
though each has its variations.

For examples, have a look at
Zoom in and select Topographic maps (Current series) under Display images

Other than contours, the key things bushwalkers want to see for 
navigation are:
- tracks
   - render as dashed black line
     - width/length of of dash dependent on difficulty/visibility
     - current mapnik rendering is ok for normal tracks, perhaps should 
be a little longer
     - fire trails with car=no as longer thick black dash
     - fire trails with car=yes as red dash
   - ideally there needs to be more granularity of track difficulty
     - track_visibility=* is probably useful
     - sac_scale=* is less useful as it is too specific to alpine areas
     - however, something indicating difficulty/exposure would be useful
     - harder tracks would have shorter/thinner black dash
- cliffs
   - render as solid red line with ticks on the cliff side
- watercourses
   - render as solid blue or dashed blue line depending on width eg
     - river - wide solid blue
     - stream - thin solid blue
     - intermittent stream - thin dashed blue
   - main deficiency in tagging is the need for an intermittent 
watercourse tag eg waterway=stream_non_perennial or intermittent=yes
- waterfalls
   - render as thin blue line across watercourse
- above features should all have names render
- other topographic features like peaks, passes, ranges, ridges, spurs, 
   - should have names render but probably no other marker
   - some of those (eg ridges, spurs) don't seem to have any method in 
OSM (proposed or otherwise) for tagging at the moment

Canyoning? try http://ozultimate.com/canyoning
Bushwalking? try http://ozultimate.com/bushwalking

On 15/06/2010 7:57 PM, John Smith wrote:
> Some of us were discussing making a custom hiking map styles on IRC
> earlier so we can print out such maps or use them in presentations to
> show bush walkers the potential of what they can get back out of OSM.
> I don't think any of us has had much to do with hiking maps, so is
> anyone on this list an experienced hiker that could help us come up
> with a suitable hiking map style sheet?
> I've also been playing with contour lines on OSM map tiles, but I
> think instead of cluttering up the common mapnik rendering this would
> be better in a hiking style.
> http://maps.bigtincan.com/?z=14&ll=-27.097,152.532&layer=B0000000000TT
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