On 18 June 2010 00:18, Tom Brennan <webs...@ozultimate.com> wrote:
> No they haven't. Area is approx lat=-33.9753&lon=150.1336 but it's not a
> great area to start with. Geographic items are difficult to map without
> good quality aerial photography, which we don't have for that area
> (Kanangra).

You're only about 10km out of Nearmap coverage... that kinda sucks...
Although with a lot of tree cover it tends to be difficult to map as
well, you may need to do a lot of extrapolation...

> Better would be to start around North Lawson
> (lat=-33.71027&lon=150.43344&zoom=15) or Leura/Wentworth Falls
> (lat=-33.72384&lon=150.3622&zoom=15). I can try and add some more
> geographic features for them, but probably not til next week.

There's no rush, I'll probably not make a start on a style sheet till
the weekend anyway...

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