On 17/06/2010, at 1:49 PM, Roy Wallace wrote:
> Try Australian Standard AS 2156.1-2001 (Walking tracks -
> Classification and signage)
> http://infostore.saiglobal.com/store2/Details.aspx?ProductID=260163
> (not free, but try e.g. the following page for some details:
> http://hikingbackpacking.suite101.com/article.cfm/australian_bushwalking_track_classifications)

The AS2156 class is useful information, and tagging it would be good if we know 
it, but it's not exactly a difficulty rating. I haven't actually read the 
standard, but I believe it has to do with track construction and maintenance.

For example a Class 2 track has to be a certain minimum width, have certain 
signage, be a certain smoothness, have people clear off any debris so often and 
the like. Obviously higher classes tend to be more difficult, but it's not 
directly related.

In particular, anything of class 4 and above can vary a lot. There are tracks 
which probably aren't rated but if they were would be Class 6 that I'd be happy 
to go on for an afternoon walk by myself, and there are Class 4 tracks that I 
would never consider going on without preparation and other people.

I was fixing some of the tracks in the Noosa Headlands park recently, and have 
a photo of the map board showing their classes. Does anyone have tagging 
suggestions? I'm thinking something like track:as2156=* or class:as2156=* or 
something would be good.
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