On 28/06/2010, at 8:16 PM, Markus wrote:
> Forests
> Landuse=forest
> National Parks
> boundary=national_park
> leisure=nature_reserve

Sounds good.

> Protected Areas
> boundary=protected_area
> protect_id=

Ah, the original data had IUCN codes, so I can put these back in as protect_id 

>  I would also remove the non standard key names like 
> derm.qld.gov.au:GLR_NUMBER and FEAT_NAME

FEAT_NAME definitely won't go into OSM - however it's useful for me because it 
contains the road name for some of the ROAD polygons :)

Should I leave the Ecolink and/or GLR Number tags in as a reference which 
identifies the area, so we can match with any future updates?
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