On 12/07/2010, at 9:06 PM, Markus wrote:
> Also I have noticed in potlatch the coastline seems to render better also
> when having the coastline separate as it will draw the coatline even if the
> park goes over it. 

Yep, sounds like a good plan. I think this can happen a bit because 
natural=coastline is high-tide, and some of the NPs extends to the low-tide 

On 12/07/2010, at 9:21 PM, Markus wrote:
> If there are rivers or lakes that are marked as coastline inside the parks
> you need to close the mouth and convert to a river, lake or river bank to
> render as water.

Yep, I'll keep that in mind - although the river versus coastline thing is 
always a fun debate :)

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