On 28 July 2010 23:43, Steve Bennett <stevag...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I would love to know whether Yahoo or Nearmap actually gives a damn.
Obviously I can's peak for Yahoo (I think I should spell that "Yahoo!") but
NearMap does care; we worked hard to make sure that our PhotoMaps could be
used as the basis for OpenStreetMap, we want to support OSM and seeing
"nearmap" as the source is a direct reflection of that :)  Plus our images
are usable under CC-BY-SA, so the BY part is addressed by setting the

Personally, I'd welcome some more clarity on the use of the source tag when
editing existing features.  We're working on providing easy edit access from
our site to correct or add names to streets, and to add address-related
information.  Where a street name is added or corrected via our site, our
current approach is to add or modify the source tag to be "nearmap", but
yesterday I was (coincidentally) looking at whether we should be appending
to any existing source so that we don't inadvertently remove attribution.
 The wiki page <http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Key:source> is, at best,
unclear on this subject.

...and John Smith <deltafoxtrot...@gmail.com> also commented:
> As for Nearmap, that is a curious situation in and of itself, on one
> hand you can only release data under a share alike license, primarily
>so they can have access to the data if they want, but they don't
> require attribution.
Hmm... not quite.  The licence linked to from our Community Licence
page<http://www.nearmap.com/products/community-licence> is
CC-BY-SA 3.0 <http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/>, which does
require attribution; one has to attribute our PhotoMaps to use when they're
used under that licence.  Our Community Licence page specifically addresses
using our PhotoMaps to derive data for OSM, making it clear that the deriver
owns the derived works, but must use CC-BY-SA to distribute them.  Use of
the source tag to mark our data as the basis of the derived data is enough
attribution to comply; Potlatch does that automatically.  And of course the OSM
wiki page about using our
mentions the tag.


Ben Last
Development Manager (HyperWeb)
NearMap Pty Ltd
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