On Sun, Nov 21, 2010 at 11:18 PM, David Murn <da...@incanberra.com.au> wrote:
> On Sun, 2010-11-21 at 15:13 +1100, Alex (Maxious) Sadleir wrote:
>> I would think the better solution is to have the attribution simplified
>> like Google Maps does. eg. Google Maps for canberra says "Copyright
>> PSMA, MapQuest" etc.

Dear Alex,

Looking at the Canberra region on google maps, I see

"©2010 Google - Map data ©2010 Europa Technologies, GBRMPA, Google,
Whereis(R) Sensis Pty. Ltd."

Was your copyright quote above literal?  I don't see MapQuest
attributed near Canberra and I've checked at a few zoom levels.  As
you can see below, your quote has lead to further discussion.

> Hang on a second...  you mean you goto google maps, and some of the data
> displayed is coming from MapQuest (which as I now understand, through
> their hiring of SteveC, have rights to a big chunk of free data?)?

Dear David,

In my opinion there is a factual error and an incorrect conclusion in
your paragraph above.

I was at WhereCamp5280 two days ago and spoke to SteveC in person.  He
told me that he is not employed by MapQuest and I believe him.

Your conclusion, that MapQuest be entitled to additional rights to OSM
data because of an employee on the OSMF Board is also incorrect in my
judgment. Board members are granted no additional rights to OSM data
by membership on the board.

If I were to suggest hypothetically that SteveC might take additional
rights after hypothetically joining MapQuest.  He hasn't joined
MapQuest.  I would also have to look at the history of SteveC in that
respect.  The historical record suggests that there was no "over
reaching" by SteveC or CloudMade while he was there.

When SteveC was at CloudMade, CloudMade had no additional rights to
the OSM data beyond those of any OSM consumer.  CloudMade did offer
services to the OSM community like servers for the cyclemap layer,
development and deployment of the noname layer, conference call lines
for OSMF calls.  I'm not aware of any case where CloudMade failed to
attribute OSM and the license correctly. CloudMade also sponsored
State of the Map, code sprints, mapping parties and other OSM events.
At the same time, several CloudMade employees and executives, as
individuals, have been OSM contributors on a large scale, from survey
and tagging to authoring and publishing code to public speaking to
advocate OSM, CloudMade had some folks who made tremendous, positive
contributions to OpenStreetMap before, during and now after their
involvement with CloudMade.

CloudMade, the company, have been model citizens and an example to
other OSM data consumers in my opinion.  Some of the people at
CloudMade have been wonderful examples of involvement and contribution
to the OpenStreetMap project and community.

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