On Tue, Nov 23, 2010 at 8:49 AM, Grant Slater
<openstreet...@firefishy.com> wrote:
>...Only 1
> item is CC-BY-SA which is NearMap who have rights over the
> (contributed) traced data, LWG intend to have further discussion when
> the revisions to the Contributor Terms have settled down.

Just to clarify this point, the only rights (at least from my
understanding of their license, which is NearMaps view) NearMap have
over (contributed) traced data is a limitation of licenses the tracer
is allowed to distribute the traced data under. NearMap do not have
the right to automatically relicense all existing traced data, all
they can do is grant the people who traced the option to relicense
their traced data.

At least from NearMaps view, the tracer owns their traced data, but
the tracer may only distribute their traced data to others under CC

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