David Murn wrote:
> the problem is that the powers-that-be dont seem to want to 
> address the problematic terms and simply tell people the 
> decisions have already been made, and to cease discussion.  
> Hardly the way to run an open community project.

I realise the phrase "assume good faith" is becoming increasingly over-used
in these discussions, but if the above were true, then the Contributor Terms
would still be in 1.0. Instead there's now a 1.2 draft, plus a whole bunch
of smaller incremental revisions along the way, as suggested by mappers.
(One example: I suggested a change last week to cement compatibility with
attribution-required sources, such as Ordnance Survey OpenData and those
offered under CC-BY; LWG listened, agreed to incorporate the change, and
it's now in the 1.2 draft.)

One other phrase which sadly doesn't get as much traction as it used to is
"patches welcome". There are no "powers that be" in OSM; there is no "them"
and "us". It's a collaborative project. It's all "us". If you want something
changed, help to change it. Because when you engage with the guys who are
doing stuff, make suggestions, talk to them in a friendly manner, the result
is better for everyone. That applies as much to licence discussions as it
does to OSM software or website development. But when you throw assumptions
and resentment around and assume the worst, yes, the worst usually happens.


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