On Sat, 2010-11-27 at 15:12 -0800, Richard Fairhurst wrote:

> OSMF is a democratically elected body. Candidates welcome. I guess 2011's
> elections will take place at the start of July as usual.
> (Last year's election:
> http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Foundation/AGM10/Election_to_Board )

Out of interest, how come only 3 names are shown as 'elected' on that
page, but the foundation page lists 7 members?  Is the entire board
required to stand down every year, before elections are held?  Having
been on the board of a non-profit for many years, looking at the
minutes, the election process either seems wrongly done or wrongly

Interestingly, I notice the number of foundation members is dropping
over previous years, 2009 numbers were over 250, where 2010 numbers were
only 130.  Has any effort been made to find out why so many former
members decided not to rejoin?

I note in minutes from October, that an action item enquired why so many
people have unsubscribed from osmf mailing list dating back to May which
Mike was to follow up, which is still pending.  Id be interested to know
these reasons too.. is it because these members (or former members) are
feeling the OSMF is moving in one direction regardless of the influence
they try to have, and are simply leaving the group and possibly even the
project feeling that even though its an open project, theres a one-track
minded foundation at the helm?

It is revealing seeing some of these details, as being secretary of a
non-profit I can only imagine what would happen if our minutes were
sparsely written like these, action items were simply deferred until
forgotten, and important tasks passed off to 'working groups' whos
outcomes arent published back into the minutes.  Do the various working
groups publish their own minutes or decisions, or do we just find out
what they decide after the changes have taken place, such as the
JOSM/Nearmap issue recently?


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