> On Wed, Dec 29, 2010 at 12:11 AM, John Smith <deltafoxtrot...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> I can't remember which side you fell on, but wouldn't this fall into
>> the same category as private pools? or private tennis courts... etc?
> Yeah, though I think the case might be stronger for airstrips. One
> reason that occurs to me is that a private airstrip, if used to
> receive mail or visitors, is something like an address, which we
> store.

Actually not.

Private means exactly that, it's private and you generally need permission
to operate to them.  Some of them are marginally operational and can only
accommodate certain aircraft.

As Liz pointed out the imported ones are generally not in the correct
location and are therefore of little use.  So we either delete them or
move them to the correct place if you know where they should be.

As for the RFDS using them that's marginal as it really depends on the
nature of the emergency and what other facilities are available.  It's not
a case of you going to the closest airstrip they will advise where to go.


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