On Wed, 29 Dec 2010 09:00:45 +1000
"Kevin & Ruth Sheather" <mobilesheath...@bigpond.com> wrote:

> As a regular traveller in remote Australia, I can see advantage for
> map users in having cattle station air strips in OSM. Quite apart
> from RFDS operations, there is a progressive merging of tourism and
> agriculture. To have strips shown in OSM is of value to light
> aircraft owners planning their trip. More visitors will travel to
> tourist cattle stations as time goes on. I don't think you can make a
> comparison with back yard pools and tennis courts at all.
> Kevin

or Airport?

these are not distinguished, and those I have been able to place were
not correctly placed
to me that is useless information
Some could be placed from aerial imagery but others not so,
particularly when the airstrip and the racecourse share the same space
eg Ardlethan NSW currently, and Quamby Qld from memory

Correctly tagged and placed, this could have been useful information.
However right now it is very poor quality.

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