On 20 January 2011 15:47, Ian Sergeant <inas66+...@gmail.com> wrote:
> In the email that I responded to (and which you in turn responded to
> me), there was a list of 5 options.
> Option 1 was to leave admin boundaries unchanged, and not align them
> (even as separate ways) to the coastline data, i.e they would
> cross-cross the coastline as we improved the coastline accuracy.  As
> far as I recall, each of the responses to these options nominated
> option 1 as preferred.  I interpret that as support for leaving the
> ABS imported data detached and unchanged, seeing there were other
> options in the list for detached and aligned.

You of all people should know that vocal people on the mailing list
don't constitute a majority vote.

>> the original email of this thread was
>> about a duplicate boundary being added from another data source and
>> the person importing didn't bother to merge the information properly,
>> or co-ordinate their efforts with the rest of the community.
> I know that, but that was no longer the topic of discussion when I
> entered the thread.

Unless the original issue has been rectified I'm guessing it's still
an issue that needs to be dealt with.

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