On Fri, Feb 4, 2011 at 12:09 AM, Alex Lum <sierra.os...@gmail.com> wrote:
> In any case, we should be mapping what's "on-the-ground" anyway, i.e. the 
> station signage (unless this signage is contradictory in which case it may be 
> required to use official records).

I thought the policy – wherever it's written – was using whatever the
locals think it is. I'm wary of placing too much trust in signage,
because with bike paths in particular, that approach gets you nowhere
fast. But if there's an official operator (which there is), whatever
their website says sounds like a good start.

We definitely shouldn't have a situation where one person swears blind
that "the real name" of something is xxx even though common sense
dictates that it's yyy.


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