----- Original Message ----- From: "Andrew Gregory" <andrew.greg...@gmail.com>
To: "OSM Australian Talk List" <talk-au@openstreetmap.org>
Sent: Saturday, February 05, 2011 5:30 AM
Subject: Re: [talk-au] Relicensing per changeset?

On 3 February 2011 08:38, Stephen Hope <slh...@gmail.com> wrote:

On 3 February 2011 09:28, David Murn <da...@incanberra.com.au> wrote:
> I also wonder how this works, using your example, if the user had
> entered street names and then another user came along and fixed a
> spelling mistake in one which they had surveyed themselves.  When the
> changeset is relicenced, you have v1 of an object under a > non-compatible
> licence, and v2 is compatible, so what happens to the object?

It goes away.  All objects get rolled back to the last valid state
that have no unlicensed edits before them.  So any object where v1 is
unlicensed is gone, no matter how many changes have been done to it

Surely that can't be correct? For example, I've surveyed an awful lot of the
Perth northern suburbs, but I started off by tracing Nearmap imagery. My
understanding is that Nearmap haven't agreed to the new licensing but
nevertheless I've since personally surveyed the streets, corrected
alignments, added names and changed "source=nearmap" to "source=survey".

I would understand if data and records of the original "source=nearmap"
disappeared with the license change, but the subsequent "source=survey"
edits would be able to be kept? Dropping data simply because at one time it was in an incompatible-license state but is now no longer sounds incredibly
destructive to me.

As I understand it the position is potentially far worse than you outline above.

Individual bits of data won't be dropped because at one one time it was sourced from Nearmap. ALL your data will be marked as non-compliant if you cant agree to the CT's.

This is why in my situation the relicensing per changeset would be so useful. It allows the >80 % of my contributions to be marked as CT/ODbL compliant.

However, as yet I am unclear what actually happens to data which has been entered by a user account which does not agree to the CT's. (see below)

Is what's going to happen documented anywhere? I've had a poke around the
wiki, but can't see anything relevant to how the data is being handled.

The nearest I can see to an "answer" is in the paragraph relation to phase 4 of the implementation plan [1] ; "What do we do with the people who have declined or not responded [to agree to the CT's]? Their contributions would not be available under the future ODbL version of the database". Which presumably implies that all their data, and anything based on that data will be removed from copies of the planet files, and will no longer be shown when using any of the editors.

I presume that some time in the next 7 weeks (ie before 31 March 2011) it might be made more apparent what will happen, since in order for an ODbL complaint database to be available on 1 April I trust that someone is working at the moment, not only on the principles involved, but also on the actual coding necessary.



[1] http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Open_Database_License/Implementation_Plan#PHASE_4_-_CC-BY-SA_edits_no_longer_accepted._.28Phase_3_.2B_8_weeks_subject_to_critical_mass.29

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