On 16 February 2011 07:07, David Murn <da...@incanberra.com.au> wrote:
> On Wed, 2011-02-16 at 00:04 +0000, David Groom wrote:
>> I just want to draw attention to the survey at
>> http://www.surveymonkey.com/s/WFVK6XS
>> , the link was mentionedn Richard Weait's email to this list on 1 Feb, but I
>> have to admit that I missed it the first time I read his posting
> Out of interest, who runs this survey and who is (or when will we be)
> allowed to know the results?

The survey is an informal survey setup by Richard Weait of the
Licensing Working Group (LWG) to gauge interest and get a feel for how
many people would potentially use such a feature before significant
time is invested in development. The survey link + intro details were
posted in @talk-au and @talk around 2 weeks ago [1]. @talk-gb was
incorrectly left off but will be corrected shortly [2].

I believe <5 people have responded. Richard has figures. LWG has
discussed alternative potential options for the the flagging of
changesets eg email.

1: http://lists.openstreetmap.org/pipermail/talk-au/2011-February/007642.html
2: Done. 


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