On 7 April 2011 23:03, Grant Slater <openstreet...@firefishy.com> wrote:
> I contacted the nowwhere.com.au/MapData-Sciences who are managers of
> the BP and Shell data in October 2010...
> Their reply: "It is the property of BP and is intended as a service
> for personal use only." (and Shell for the Shell data I assume)
> I haven't yet had any luck contacting BP/Shell. MapData Sciences were
> not helpful in providing a contact.

Except the data was a computer generated list of facts, which the
courts in Australia state no longer has protection under copyright.

Also the locations have been fixed for numerous locations so if you
ever get in contact with anyone please let them know about OSM having
more accurate data than they offer, I think 30km out is still the
worst case.

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