The historical map I'm getting the information from calls them "...
Reach". According to "Most generally, a
reach is any length of a stream between any two points."

I can't think of a better term myself, so unless there are any other
suggestions I'll use reach for the time being.

On Sat, Apr 9, 2011 at 6:28 PM, Elizabeth Dodd <> wrote:
> On Sat, 9 Apr 2011 18:22:49 +1000
> Andrew Harvey <> wrote:
>> I would like to map some named reaches ("straight portion of a stream
>> or river, as from one turn to another;") part of a major river.
>> The river (e.g.
>> ) currently has both a riverbank area drawn, and a way down the middle
>> of the river. To make things even more complicated, the way running
>> down the middle of the river has both waterway tags and administrative
>> boundary tags.
>> I'm thinking the ideal way to map this (reaches + river + admin
>> boundary) would be split the way into segments for each reach, tag
>> each segment as waterway=reach, name=Foo Reach, then collect up the
>> river segments into a relation which contains waterway=river, name=Bar
>> River, and just leave the riverbank area as is. Not sure what to do
>> with the admin boundary tags though.
>> I'm not sure what's best though. Any thoughts? Thanks.
> I'd be looking at another word for "reach". I'm not making any
> suggestions, but it isn't a simple English term, and using difficult
> terms makes the cross-language stuff hard.
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