On 24/09/2011, at 12:10 AM, Grant Slater wrote:

> The Licensing Working Group has obtained explicit special permission
> to incorporate geographic datasets from data.gov.au in the
> OpenStreetMap project database published under any free and open
> license, including ODbL

This is great news!  Congratulations are due to the LWG for making this happen.

> And that leaves these others where we are not yet sure exactly where
> they came from:
> * Queensland police stations
> * NSW Geographic Names Board places (importer contacted)
> * Queensland national parks, state forests and conservation areas

* I don't think Qld Police Stations have been imported.. at least not in their 
entirety, as I found one recently at Augenthella that wasn't mapped.
* Qld Nat Parks etc data source and import is documented on the wiki at: 

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