On 29/11/2011, at 3:20 PM, nicholas.g.lawre...@tmr.qld.gov.au wrote:
> > I will continue to edit to get the roads and intersections to look
> > professional, reflecting reality, rather than the confusing, chunky > > rendering with an over-abundance of arrows and street names that I so
> > often come across.
> I for one don't want an OSM which looks pretty, but is useless! The
> reality we seek is utilitarian, not just aesthetic.
> John H

Sounds like a data vs rendering issue?

You want the data for routing, but the rendering should still look pretty.


Recently I read a suggestion for "zoom hinting" tags to assist / override renderers in deciding whether certain elements should be visible at certain zoom levels. Adopting an "assisted rendering" approach to hide various ugliness could be a step toward having the best of both worlds.

Not only with road elements, POIs, but also place names.

Here's a perfect example - it's my understanding that small, isolated regional townships in remote areas of Australia need to be tagged as towns or cities, despite their population being that of a village.

E.g. the township of Tennant Creek, NT is tagged "City", though it's population is only 3,500 (2005 data). The OSM wiki suggests a population centre of 100,000+ is a City.

However, we need to break these rules in order to put small but important isolated townships "on the map", so it's a case where tagging for the renderer is accepted, but it's something that I'm not comfortable with and is a perfect example to demonstrate a need for assisted rendering tags.

Imagine a tourist... off to see the "City" of Tennant Creek because OSM told them it's a major population centre... and they arrive to find a truckstop and a pub! :-)


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