On 01/12/2011, at 10:34 PM, Mark Pulley wrote:
> On 01/12/2011, at 6:15 PM, Andrew Harvey wrote:
>> Deleted by user: cc_cleaner in changeset
>> http://www.openstreetmap.org/browse/changeset/9915617
> I've also just noticed that most of Cobar has gone. I did some edits on the 
> way through in May, some of these have been left alone, but some have 
> disappeared completely or been replaced by highway=road.

Now that I'm back from holidays (and uploaded all my new traces) I've had a 
chance to have a closer look at Cobar, and done as much as I can to repair the 
damage. I probably checked the names of some of the streets back in May, but as 
I no longer have my audio recordings I can't be sure of this, so I've had to 
leave most of the streets unnamed.

> As one example, here is Louth Road:
> http://www.openstreetmap.org/browse/way/119756523
> This is just a stub, this used to link on to the other roads. 

I've worked out what happened here - the one-way section of Louth Road splits 
into two at the Barrier Hwy, the stub was one of those branches, the other 
branch was deleted by cc_cleaner.

As Cobar is about 8 hours drive (one way) from home, I won't be going there 
anytime soon to do further surveys.

Mark P.
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