On 2/02/2012 9:41 PM, Nick Hocking wrote:
Does anyone know if there are old (August 2008) Australian
OSM extracts available otherwise I'll start the planet download
(only 5 gig !!!)

I might have them - I've got nearly nightly Australia & NZ dumps tucked away somewhere - whether they go back as far a August 2008 though, I'm not sure. I've nuked them at various stages I think, but I may not have nuked all of them. Definitely got the last 14 months or so, but 2008 might be stretching it. A quick sticky shows I've got at least an April 2009 dump.

I'll check on my system at work on Monday. My previous workstations power supply died, but if the disk is still good, it might have dumps going back that far.


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