Russell wrote "you could at least work out a minimum radius of curvature"

OK - what I will do is find out the tunnel width.

Then I'll assume that we offload the objecty just before the tunnel and
walk it through with the object rotated 90 degrees through the long axis.
I'll do as you suggest and assume a minimum (or should that be maximum)
raduis of curvature and see what a "best case scenario is).

The only other problem I see is the tunnel near colo vale, looks like a
close fit.  Checking OSM I came out of Sydney the wrong way but when I was
well and truly
derailed at St Marys, I headed back inthe right direction. Unfortunately
someone has connected two railway tracks with a residential road. It's hard
to see how the bing imagery supports this view but I'll fix all those edits
I can find in a hour or so since the history makes it quite unambiguous how
the tagging should be.

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