On Thu, Dec 20, 2012 at 12:41 AM, David <dban...@internode.on.net> wrote:

> I think it might be a mistake to suggest that we don't get to have a say
> in how (eg) the main osm map is rendered just because we can personally
> render our own. Firstly, setting up to do that rendering is not trivial,
> nor is reconfiguring it for a different view. But mainly because we
> contribute to the map to make it useful for other people.

Exactly.  We do all have a say in how the default and other layers are
presented on osm.org.  And if we wish to suggest a change then suggesting
such a change along with a patch to execute it stands a much better chance
of adoption.  Also, and this is important, making a new style is really

> Now, i don't see anyone sponsoring the necessary server and bandwidth
> capabilities (maybe i am wrong?) here in Oz. So i think we should assume
> that the 'other people' we want to help will be looking at osm.org or at
> an app that has been written by someone guided by what they see at osm.org
> .

Designing a new map style does not require massive hardware, a years-old
box is just fine.  That said, there is a brand new shiny tile cache server
in Brisbane.  So there is some 'sponsorship' in Australia now.


My point is not to discourage you by saying that your idea is unworthy.  My
point is to encourage you by letting you know about the tools that are
already available to you, so that you can solve the problem that you see.
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