On Tue, 2013-04-30 at 16:29 +0700, kristy van putten wrote:

> ...... has anyone thought of 4WD trails in OSM?  I would also be keen
> to find out if there are any Ozzy teaching OSM to schools or scout
> groups etc?

Kristy, I have a particular interest in 4wd trails and OSM. I am
particularly concerned how 4wd roads are recorded and typically
displayed. The difficulty is that we all seem to use a range of
standards and generally, the rendering people ignore them all. Perhaps
not unreasonably.

Just before christmas, I lead a bit of a campaing to get some clear
standards in place for defining 4wd tracks, the idea being, consistent
with OSM guidelines, that highway= be used to signify the purpose of the
road and tags such as tracktype= be used to describe the likely state
its in. Tracktype= already has grade1 to grade5 but 4wd tracks, needed,
IMHO 6,7 and 8. Sadly, while everyone agreed something needed to be
done, I did not see enough support for that idea to get past the OSM
voting model. It therefore just a recommendation on

4wd_only is another option, it is at least official. However, it has
only one 'level' and apparently the rendering community don't like tags
that begin with a numeral, makes postqress column names messy.

Trouble is that much of europe and the US don't really understand 4wd
tracks/roads, unless there is a widely used stand way of describing
them, the renderers will ignore it, mapers won't see any results and
won't bother. The poor old motorist will find themselves in serious
trouble every now and again !


> Looking forward to talking to you all
> Cheers
> -- 
> Kristy Van Putten
> Spatial Analyst, Data Manager
> Australia-Indonesia Facility Disaster Reduction
> Mb: +62 811 987 573
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