On 10/05/13 17:01, Steve Bennett wrote:
> 1) I think TileMill/MapBox will be a game changer for the "rendering
> guys won't listen to us" problem. I suspect it will soon be much, much
> easier to have lots of different map views out there, and we can
> create Australian-specific maps easily. So we should continue to work
> out the best tagging system and use that - even if it's not currently
> supported by any rendering styles.

This is an excellent point.

From a cartography perspective, excluding unneeded detail is essential
for producing a usable map. I've long felt the official OSM rendering is
far, far too detailed - it's basically grey goop at a distance and a
riot up close.

People really shouldn't be lobbying for more features to be added to
official tilesets, instead what is needed is many more additional, more
specialised tilesets, and for desktop/web/mobile apps to let people
easily make use of them.


⊨ Michael Gratton, Percept Wrangler.
⚙ <http://mjog.vee.net/>

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