Hi everyone,

I took the discussion offline momentarily and Daniel and I have had a few
email exchanges.  The result is a Wiki page with information about the
process.  Anyone interested in helping with the import and QA process (both
documenting and doing) is more than welcome to go right ahead.


With 13,000 rows in the SEQ stops.txt file and roughly 9,000 existing nodes
in the region the work of checking will need to be segmented with
http://mapcraft.nanodesu.ru/ being noted by Daniel as a useful tool (I
never knew it existed - thanks mate) to help with that endeavour.

Anyway, the page is up and you'll note a lot of TBA in sections.  If you
know what should be done in those sections please chip in and update the
documentation (or just delete it).



>>> Let's start a write up and take it to the imports list for further
>>> advice.
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