Thanks for that.  I have read that several times and in fact link to it in
the Wiki page for this import (my prior email contains that link).  That is
the clearest indication yet that I might need to rethink the existing

> I would advise against removal of anything unless verified by survey.

I am very much in agreement on this point.  If morb_au doesn't wish to
respond to my enquiry or hasn't seen my email/LinkedIn comms then I have to
take that at face value (he is the author of the Wiki section you've quoted
in the email).  You've also assumed the meaning of last_surveyed.  I wish
to remove that uncertainty as much as possible and really understand why
"in the field" has been surrounded in double quotes.  Could 231 Bus stop
nodes really have been accurately surveyed in 1 day? [1]  That's a proper
effort survey if that is the case.  I'm keen to understand the mechanics of
that day, and all qroti surveys, better so I can appropriately conflate the
new nodes.

[1]: (The highest daily node count of the
qroti dataset)

If I don't get it then I'll err on the side of caution and retain all
existing data, not shift its location and merge in the new key:value
details that comes with this later dataset.

If anyone else has any input I am all ears.  Remove QROTI keys?  I'm
thinking its a good idea as a post implementation of this import purely to
keep references within OSM to current datasets.  If its a bad idea could
you tell me why?
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