Am 20.08.2014 11:38, schrieb Leon Kernan:
> Yes, this would be great.  For people who've never seen it, check out
> Geelong on and you can see how big building data
> is going to be.
> I believe some building imports are going to be essential at the start. 
> It's just too tedious for anyone to do large areas, even badly. 
> I'm working though placing basic building areas in Frankston, Seaford
> and across parts of Northern Tasmania and it's just a massive task.
> That's not even going into a lot of detail or adding data like height
> like the Geelong data.
> My hope is that by placing the basic areas down, people might find it a
> little easier to add details to them later on.

This is slightly off topic: but there is no evidence at all that imports
make things better. What is true is that coverage initially (after the
import) tends to be good, it then typically rapidly decays because there
are no mappers to actually maintain the data (and that has shown itself
many times from a small to a large scale). While it might be tedious,
actually doing the work is the thing that builds strong communities.

The above doesn't mean that you shouldn't do the import(s), but you
should probably not expect too much in the way of kick starting anything.


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