Am 14.12.2015 um 03:17 schrieb Russell Edwards:
> Hi,
> I just wanted to double check before I do this as people seem to talk
> casually about using Vicmap Lite data but the OSM Wiki has a long
> process to go through with the community before doing any imports.

It should be pointed out that the rules are there for a reason: a decade
of experience that imports are in general screwed up and the people
responsible for them then vanish leaving a mess behind for others to
clean up.

> I have downloaded "Statewide Public Land Classification boundaries,
> polygon - 1:250,000 to 1 :2 million. Vicmap Lite". It is CC
> BY-4.0-International.

Currently the status of  CC BY-4.0 licensed data is unclear, this is due
to some quirks in how the 4.0 version of CC BY works. We are waiting for
CC to get back to the OSMF to clarify. which might happen in this decade
or not. In other words: such data will need explicit permission for an

> I want to add boundaries of some local state forests I frequent, using
> this data. My questions are
> * Can I just go ahead and do it?
> * I haven't done boundaries before, do I need a shared node where
> roads and waterways cross the boundary?
> * What if there is an existing overlapping area natural=wood that
> follows the aerial tree extent (which doesn't exactly match the
> boundary)? Leave them both there? Do I need natural=wood on the state
> forest boundary area to, to make it display green? What about the
> conflict there?
> * Anything else to watch for?
Landuse imports are notoriously difficult to do correctly, matter of
fact I'm fairly sure that we have never had one which wasn't a failure
in one way or another. If you have never done boundaries before then you
should be doing boundaries before. That will give you some idea of what
you are getting in to and will give you answers to your questions.


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