
On the LPI base map green areas apear at first to be
National Parks - a darker green area that is visible at all zooms.
State Forests - lighter green, visible when zoomed in.

I have mapped out the McPherson State Forest boundary using the LPI base map. Fine (apart from a typo in the name!). Relationship 5748137.

However when I use the 'Administration Boundaries State Forests' the northern section I have plotted does not look to be a State Forest.

So what is this green area on the LPI base map .. when it is not a State Forest? I have mapped some as parks as shown by their name. And I found one where I know it as a 'common'.

Maybe they are "miscellaneous crown lands"?

I'll reduce the relationship 5748137 to match the smaller admin boundary.
But what to do with the other green bit from the base map? I can leave it behind with a note .. and no other tags. Would be usefull if someone comes across it and knows what it is.

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