On 17/01/2016 1:12 PM, Nev Wedding wrote:
On 17 Jan 2016, at 11:28 AM, Andrew Davidson <u...@internode.on.net> wrote:
On 16/01/16 11:47, Nev Wedding wrote:
Though I don’t know the area you refer to, I feel landuse=water_catchment is an 
excellent choice and is the correct tag for an area that has a capture of water 
as specific defined use as already stated on 
…says ‘Mangrove Creek Dam Catchment’
The problem is that the area we are talking about is not the area in the map 
you've linked to.

It is at least a substantial proportion of it.
Note that the map also has the 'Mangrove Creek Weir Catchment' area that has a 
similar colour, abuts one boundary
and some others areas (those are better differentiated colour wise) too.

  What we are talking about is a sub-section of that area that has been 
protected for the purposes of drinking water supply.

I don’t see any problem with tagging a sub-section of the water catchment in a 
special way, with added tag restrictions if considered appropriate.
The landuse=water_catchment does not imply that you have encompassed the entire 
If naming as ‘Mangrove Creek Dam Catchment’ would imply the entire area.

A roadway can be tagged in subsections. Even if a subsection is omitted .. the 
remainder are valid entries and each sub section carries the name.
I don't agree with the asserted 'implication'.

I see that individually mapped rural private properties may have portions of 
each property reserved as protected water_catchment in the future as the 
country becomes more over populated.

In the UK many farms are in 'water catchment' areas.
This is a problem for tagging 'landuse' .. many areas are used for more than 
one thing.
A solution may come out of development of other tags by the tag tagging group 
(ref RFC - Discourage amenity=public_building).

If you want to explore what is going on in the UK .. a starting point is 

A possibly shorter start would be 
Basically  they want any run off or sub soil water to be up to a certain 
standard, not carrying too much pollution within the water catchment area.

Another I like is reservoir_watershed

Three problems:

1. OSM tags are traditionally based on UK English so that'd have to be

Some don't have a reservoir but simply use the local river/s (e.g. see 

So reservoir_catchment does not 'work' for all.

"Water Catchment" is used in the UK 

watershed? One definition; and area or ridge of land that separates water 
flowing into different rivers. So that definitely does not fit.

2. This tag has already been used in a bulk import of data for
   Massachusetts where I assume it means something in Massachusettsan law
3. Implies that this represents the entire catchment of a reservoir but
   we're only talking about a sub-section here.

Yes, I agree that reservoir_watershed and reservoir_catchment implies the 
entire catchment representation.

highway=motorway ... implies the entire motorway?

I don't think so.

Some are tagging individual farm fields ... that are not the entire farm.
I don't 'see' the implication that any tagged area or way has to be the entire 
thing even if named.

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