The simple answer is "NO", the G-NAF data is published under a non-open
custom licence and currently can not be used directly in OSM.

Every communication we've had with the relevant authorities has
indicated that they are at this time not moving away from the non-open
licence. This may change in the future, but hasn't at this point in time.

Using it for QA etc. is likely possible, but given the low number of
addresses we have in Australia to start with is likely not going to help
a lot.


Am 25.06.2016 um 05:35 schrieb cleary:
> I'm sorry that I'm slow in picking up an old thread from about six
> months ago but I remain uncertain about the implications.
> As I understand the situation, the licence that accompanies the GNAF
> (address) data from is not itself adequate for OSM.
> However the data it is covered by the explicit permission to which
> Daniel O'Connor referred and which is clearly published in the OSM
> Wiki at
> Therefore it seems we are able to use the GNAF (address) data in OSM.
> Please correct me if I have misunderstood the issues in this discussion.
> On Wed, Dec 30, 2015, at 08:51 PM, Simon Poole wrote:
>> I just had a quick look at the licence terms. While the license is
>> based on CC by 4.0 (which is own can of worms) it unluckily contains
>> a provision prohibiting specific use that makes the data clearly (as
>> in we will never, in no circumstances be able to adhere to the terms)
>> unusable for OSM and further means it does not meet the definition
>> here
>> Sorry
>> Simon
>> Am 07.12.2015 um 03:50 schrieb Daniel O'Connor:
>>> Hi all,
>>> Many of you may be interested in 
>>> Provided the license is CC-BY-3.0 or better; we already have
>>> explicit permission to use said data:
>>> For those of you interested in what specific data this is, I'd
>>> encourage you to have a read of:
>>> Of interest to us:
>>>  * Address points with geocoding and full structured address information
>>>  * Authoritive street names for a given suburb, with geocoding
>>> (points though, not polylines)
>>>  * Authoritative suburb/locality points, geocoded - likely of better
>>> accuracy than ABS "Statistic Suburb" data.
>>>  * Data refreshed quarterly; sourced from local and state government
>>> (so emailing your council to submit a data correction from survey is
>>> plausible)
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