I agree Eon4wd, my interest in OSM originated from my interest in bushwalking. Often we can make an educated guess of tracktype from an aerial image and knowledge of the general area. I suggest that if it is not clear you leave out the tracktype field, this implies unknown.

My point was really:

Do we accept the Main Roads Western Australia data as a list of officially recognised Roads ( highway = primary, residential, etc not = track or = path)?

I accept the point that highway = unclassified could be appropriate for a road that does not appear on the data base.

On 10/02/2017 12:13 PM, Eon4wd wrote:
Hi Warren,
Tracks are of particular interest to me.
As a 4wder, I plan my travels according to the tracks and the 'grade' of the 
track in an area, thus getting them right is important to me.
If highway = Track is used it really needs the additional 'grade' tags
The Aust tagging guidelines is a good system see
Tracks need to be driven before they can be correctly described.
Armchair mapping has its place to identify that something maybe there, but the 
rest of the tags need to be correct as it dictates what type of 4wd is required 
to negotiate the track.
Is it possible to tag that the grade is 'unknown' ? which is more helpful to me 
than nothing or an incorrect guess.

-----Original Message-----
From: Warren [mailto:war...@specialtyfeeds.com.au]
Sent: Friday, 10 February 2017 10:52 AM
To: talk-au@openstreetmap.org
Subject: [talk-au] When is a Road a Track

I have asked this question before but did not really get a clear answer.

I am working off the Western Australian Main Roads data checking against the 
OSM road attributes.  Occasionally I come across lines that are classed in OSM 
as highway:unclassified or highway:residential that do not appear on the Main 
Roads data base.

I would argue that these are named tracks rather than roads but I wanted to 
check others opinion.

Do I leave them alone or change the classification to highway:track?

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