Do you mean without seeing them yourself Warren ? I personally think that you should only correct another mapper's work if you have personally seen something that needs correction. I am sure there are some exceptions. But here, in particular, you seem to have "negative" information.

Its also worth remembering that highway= indicates the purpose of the road or track, a number of other tags indicate its condition. In theory ....


On 10/02/17 10:51, Warren wrote:
I have asked this question before but did not really get a clear answer.

I am working off the Western Australian Main Roads data checking against the OSM road attributes. Occasionally I come across lines that are classed in OSM as highway:unclassified or highway:residential that do not appear on the Main Roads data base.

I would argue that these are named tracks rather than roads but I wanted to check others opinion.

Do I leave them alone or change the classification to highway:track?

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