On Mon, 13 Mar 2017, at 05:38 PM, Graeme Fitzpatrick wrote:
> G'day all
> A while back, mentioned about using Gold Coast City Council data.
> Been too many other things going on to contact them, but just looked into
it again & found this new page:
> Could some clever person please translate it into OSM for me? :-)
> Also tried to send an e-mail to their listed address & it's spat back as
undeliverable to a different GCCC address?

I believe the consensus is we can include the data at
http://data.gov.au/organization/city-of-gold-coast per

If you're planning on importing Gold Coast City Council data into OSM, you
can read through https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Import/Guidelines.

I'm interested to know which datasets you plan to import, your mapping of
the tags, and the process you'll use (will you manually merge existing
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