I don't really think we'd have to differentiate between motorhomes &
campervans, because really, they are the same concept, just different
sizes, but crrying on from that, & just to throw another level of
complication in :-), where do camper trailers come into things.

For clarification for those who may not be into camping, a camper trailer
is effectively a tent mounted on top of a normal box trailer, that then
folds out for use.

Under that list, would they be a tent or a caravan? For a short stop they
don't usually need to be pegged down as a tent has to be, but they're also
not just a pull up, open the door & that's it caravan?


On 30 April 2017 at 10:21, Warin <61sundow...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I have raised this on the tagging list to get more people involved .. on a
> European perspective they distinguish motorhomes from caravans too ..
> It looks like;
> camping=yes (for all)
> camping:caravan=yes/no
> camping:tent=yes/no
> camping:motorhome=yes/no
> is the way to go?
> I hesitate to add campervan to that list but I suppose it should be added
> too..
> I can see them asking what the difference is to motorhome (what they are
> built from (bus/truck for motorhome, van for campervan) size and
> toilet/shower are ones I would nominate).
> On 26-Apr-17 06:17 PM, Warin wrote:
>> We'll get there. Crossed posts. No rush.
>> highway=rest_area
>> rest_area:camping=caravan ?
>> My previous post had :conditional ... and that is wrong.
>> I don't know about applying camp_site tags to rest areas, maybe. Will
>> think on it.
>> On 26-Apr-17 05:29 PM, David Bannon wrote:
>>> Hmm, at risk of answering my own question, there is a key, camp_site=*
>>> that is intended to apply to tourism=camp_site. Could you apply it to a
>>> rest area as well ?
>>> highway=rest_area
>>> camp_site=basic
>>> caravan=yes
>>> tent=no
>>> David
>>> On 26/04/17 17:17, David Bannon wrote:
>>>> On 25/04/17 20:33, Warin wrote:
>>>>> Take the respective 'tourism=camp_site' data to 'highway=rest_area'
>>>>> with 'caravan=yes'.
>>>> Just what will that mean then ?  That a caravan can pull into the rest
>>>> area ?  We will loose the information that camping is, at least primafacie
>>>> allowed/practical ?
>>>> I don't think thats a good solution, if you then apply it to other
>>>> states, a disaster (NSW notoriously anti "free camping").
>>>> David
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