Thanks Ben

We have an opposing pair of issues here.  On the one hand people are keen to know there is a woodclub in the town,  and if you're a traveller, then a point on a map would really help understand you are 'near' a club.  On the other hand,  clubs feel vulnerable to any technology that can far too quickly pinpoint the location of their equipment/assets/facilities.   So in a way I know what we're posing here,  is counter-intuitive to ultimately knowing WHERE the real club is located (for honest enquiries),  versus an implementation that tries to protect club from bad elements who could otherwise troll the 'map' to find their next theft target.  It's the old one bad apple makes life miserable for all the honest folk, scenario.

In fact our first draft attempt was to include the phone and email,  but we soon realised that would just be a cause for spam to the email addresses, and unsolicited phone calls to the owners.  PLus,  committees change every year (or so),  so there cannot be a 'contact' per se.  

Of the 180+ clubs throughout Australia,  we were trying to solve the issue of simply knowing whether a club is nearby to anybody seeking a 'nearby' club,  particularly if they are travelling on holidays and seeking to catch up with like minded people.

In the past, we've had static websites listing all the clubs,   but some have names that don't relate to their location, and this makes it so much harder to share information with fellow club members about where another club might otherwise be located, nearby to where THEY are.   IE:   travelling through Gippsland and wondering if a club is in the area?    Aha"  yes there's one on the map at Nambrok.     Few people in Australia would know where Nambrok is,  unless they lived in Central Gippsland.
(see the south-east corner of the example URL we're testing.)

So, for those clubs (other than the 6 we have been testing),  who want anonymity of physical address,   we were seeking to discover some other OpenstreetMAP possible approach to declaring that a club is 'in the area'   which would then prompt people to look up the name of that club with other search tools to discover what the club is actually prepared to disclose on the internet (ie:  leaving it to THEM about how their website is found with a search engine,  by club name).

For instance, my club is called:  Know and District Woodworkers Club INC.   But it is in Ferntree Gully, VIC.    Visitors from interstate may have no idea where Ferntree Gully is,  nor would they understand that KNOX is the name of the council here,  let alone that there is a woodworking club in such as area.

I apologise if we sound like we want to use OSM but can't,    but this map approach to knowing clubs are in the area, is winning hearts (on the one hand),  but not being acceptable for privacy and property RISK issues.   Hence my exploring 2nd best options.

Thanks Ben.


On 06/07/17 16:17, Ben Kelley wrote:


I think if the club has a location, then map a node at the club's location. (e.g. some type of amenity tag) Use the normal tags for contact details (phone number, web site).

I don't think it makes sense to add tags to the place node.

 - Ben.

On 6/7/17 16:04, Gary Pope wrote:
Intent: Would like to tag locations of many woodworking club houses
around Australia
Issue:  * Woodworking clubs like to attract new members, or visiting
members from other clubs
		* Woodworking clubs often contain expensive machinery -
		theft target
		* But they do have websites that we can link to
			* Some don't have websites, but newsletters
			* If newsletters are linked to, they often
			contain personal names & phone numbers

Proposal:       * Add a tag to suburbs (place=suburb) that have
woodworking clubs. Such as:
				* place=suburb, club:woodwork=yes,
			* Add a tag to woodwork clubs that want their
			clubhouse location known, such as:
				* club=woodwork (note
				craft/shop=woodwork would be wrong, as
				these places are not for commercial use)
			* Contact woodwork clubs and ask them if / how
			they wish to be tagged
			* Worst case scenario would be to create a
			separate database and host that as an overlay to

Issues: * Which tag(s) to use
		* Tagging suburbs with woodwork club facilities (Would
		very much like to know if this is ok, or if there are
		* Legal issues (privacy?) if we were to link to
		* Woodworking club houses are often owned by the
		council, but can be privately owned - some extra info

Any feedback would be very welcome.

For testing purposes we have identified 6 'example' clubs that don't mind their full exposure right to an address."club"%3D"woodwork"+global&R

But feedback from various parties suggest it might be better to have a POINTER only at a SUBURB level,  along with some sort of description that demonstrates that there is a 'club' in the area "nearby"

Gary A. Pope

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