Intentionally not mapping a path in public space seems unsafe. What if someone 
gets lost on this trail and needs to find the way back?

On 24 August 2018 6:48:18 am ACST, Graeme Fitzpatrick <> 
>On Thu, 23 Aug 2018 at 20:38, Ewen Hill <> wrote:
>> It's an interesting conundrum that perhaps going forward we need to
>> how
>> we deal with sacred areas and knowledge that should be respected by
>> being mapped.
>But the Trail itself is open for anybody to walk along, isn't it?
>So there's nothing stopping an enthusiastic OSM'er from walking it with
>their GPS, then innocently mapping it, without knowing that that is
>the wishes of the local community.
>Maybe we need some sort of "Do not map" protection for sensitive areas
>we can draw a box over the length of the Trail & "10" (?) km either
>so that nothing can be inserted in there? Could be set-up either as a
>visible greyed out area on the map, or as an area that you just can't
>- feasible?

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