That is a good point. The query would probably be easy enough to modify.
Something like this...

area[name=“New South Wales"]->.a;
out body geom qt;

I think it needs to be pre-processed a bit more to weed out the very short 
segments. And perhaps work on areas where lanes actually matter (urban) first. 

I was looking at how to slice that and got interested in the status of 
administrative boundary relations for Australia. It seems to be inconsistent, 
for example in South Australia there is pretty good (but not complete) coverage 
of admin_level=6 
<> and even one admin_level=8 
( <>) but in other 
states the admin_level=6 coverage is pretty sparse or absent 
( <>, query at <> but watch out, 
it’s a lot of data). If you all think this is useful to fix / complete perhaps 
we can set up a page to coordinate. I’m happy to help.

 Martijn van Exel

On Thu, Dec 6, 2018, at 17:23, Andrew Harvey wrote:
> Overall I think it's a great idea.
> Could you filter out ways that have lanes:forward and lanes:backward?
> eg. which
> shouldn't need a redundant lanes tag as you can just add them up.
> On Fri, 7 Dec 2018 at 10:49, Martijn van Exel <> wrote:
>> Hi folks.
>> I created MapRoulette challenge asking mappers to look at aerial images and 
>> add lane tags to major roads.
>> This particular one is for NSW but can easily be ‘cloned’ for other regions.
>> I wanted to get your opinion on this — good / bad idea? Can it be improved? 
>> Smaller regions? Any feedback welcome.
>> Martijn
>> PS the Overpass Query this is based on is:
>> [timeout:190];
>> area[name="New South Wales"]->.a;
>> way[highway~"motorway|trunk|primary"][!lanes](area.a);
>> out body geom qt;
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