It should work the same way for all OSM lists, or for all properly configured 
mailing lists for that matter.
Some mail programs try to be smart about it and either inject a ‘Reply-To’ 
header whenever you compose a response to a mailing list message, or look for a 
‘List-Post’ or similar header to automatically direct your response there by 
default. So it may depend on the mail client of whomever you are responding to 
uses… Whenever I respond to a mailing list I just use ‘Reply to all’ to be sure.

> On Dec 23, 2018, at 2:16 PM, Graeme Fitzpatrick <> wrote:
> Morning all
> Sorry for the very convoluted title, & apologies if this has been discussed 
> previously?
> Noticed this comment on a list message yesterday "Note: This came through as 
> a private message - not on the list.", which is something I've noticed, & 
> done, a number of times.
> I'm on both the Au list & also the Tagging list (as I know for a fact most of 
> you are!) & I've noticed that if you reply to a message on the Tagging list, 
> it goes to the list. But when you reply to a message on the Au list, it goes 
> directly to the originators e-mail, not the list, which is a damn nuisance.
> Is this something funny about the way the Au list has been set-up, or have I 
> ticked, or not ticked!, a box somewhere to change reply paths?
> Any way of fixing it?
> Thanks
> Graeme
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