According to 
it means 
"No trucks sign A truck driver must not drive past a no trucks sign."
at least in Qld
I would expect that the main difference is that it does not apply to busses, 
maybe also to agricultural vehicles and some construction vehicles.

Depending on how trucks are defined it may also apply to small lighweight 
trucks and
do not apply to very large passenger vehicles and vehicles that are not trucks 
de iure.

I would guess that tagging this would be hgv=no

24 Jun 2019, 23:38 by

> On Mon, 24 Jun 2019 at 22:19, Andrew Harvey <> 
> <>> > wrote:
>> Another NSW example 
> Carrying on from Andrew's example ...
> If you have the basic sign without a specified limit eg > 
> <,153.437247,3a,29.8y,145.63h,83.84t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sSD7szl7wN3yPfZndlANPBQ!2e0!7i13312!8i6656>>
>  , then that, at least in Qld, means a default 4.5t limit
> Thanks
> Graeme

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