Disclaimer: I never was in Australia
22 Jul 2019, 16:50 by talk-au@openstreetmap.org:
>  1. Do you change the classification of highway on the motorway route into 
> trunk through the city because it does not have a physical barrier in between 
> (not restricted access) or do you keep it as motorway because of consistency?
Yes, highway=motorway should not appear in roads without even dual
> 2. If we were to change the road classification several times during one 
> route way, should we ignore segments that are less than 3km (for example 
> motorway going through minor city in which it has a quality of trunk)? 
I would change classification, but
it seems dubious to me that it would be a

Specific example would be helpful here.
> 3. Can motorway have some traffic signals when passing through city?
No. Though motorway link
connecting to roads may have traffic
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